It's a huge change from the previous NOC, with much more room, much more emphasis on showing off what we are doing. With around 150 square feet of video wall, there's a lot to be seen. There's also a lot to be worked on, and that's where I've been for 50-60-ish hours a week for the last 2+ months.
It's funny how you can see something as cool as this and still think only about how much more there is that needs to be done, how much better it should be. Funny, except that it's easy to let that grind you down. As I've worked these many hours lately, I've wondered if I'm experiencing, in a small way, something like what anorexics experience: they may be terribly thin, but they still only see themselves as too fat, and becoming thinner doesn't help; similarly, as I've been burning my evenings and Saturdays, I find myself often thinking that I'm not getting enough done, not working hard enough. That can't be right.

Okay, I'll admit this one thing: it's very fun that lots of people want tours of the place. I can see the allure of just becoming a tour guide and showing people cool places and cool sights. This is no Machu Pichu, but it's still kind of cool.