So, here I am. Now what? As my wife just said, "It's a no-school, no dissertation weekend. What are you going to do with yourself?" What, indeed. Part of me expects to pop into a chalk pavement picture for an outing in the country. Part of me wants to quietly bask in this success. Part of me wants to look for teaching or research positions in universities around me. Part of me wants to double-down on my current awesome job at Adobe. Part of me is already working out the publication of my dissertation data with Dr. Justin Giboney and thinking about my next research project.
Last week, I did some snowshoeing, and the Christmas lights always beg for photographic experimentation. For this week and weekend, I am enjoying some family time. My daughters, Rachel and Catherine, work work in tech support jobs in the SLC area and have come down to spend the week with us. My son is between his last two semesters at UVU and is applying to grad schools all over the world. My wife is enjoying a break between semesters for her teaching job at UCAS. I am okay with a small pause here. Time will tell how things may change, but for the moment, I am just enjoying the quiet moment (though anybody who knows Rachel knows that quiet moments with her around are few and far between--let's call that a "zest for life").