There are already hard feelings around the groupp: the kitchen cupboards were mostly commandeered by one girl (not my girl), complaints of too much noise at night and in the morning (some from all the girls), another girl (not mine) is recovering from a fairly serious injury that happened last week, the kitchen queen has declared her toaster a hands-off zone, some girls (not mine) have guys in the apartment later than other girls want (mine and others), etc.
Oh, I am SO glad not to be in that world any more. Kind of like I'm glad I'm past the diaper stage with my kids. It just makes my thoughts switch back and forth from "Yep. Been there; done that; somehow survived" and "Ewww..." to think about it.
In the mean time, I'll be doing what I can to support the daughter through the challenges. She's a great kid and generally very well liked by those around her, so I'm not worried that she'll get along well enough.