And I get to help design the look of one of the main stops on the tour route: the NOC. We've gotten some brilliant design work from our own product designers, and a state-of-the-art 24-monitor video wall. We'll start out with quite a bit of meaningful data, but hope to ramp that up a great deal over the coming months and years.
It's an exciting and time consuming project. When it's up and going, it'll be fun saying: "I helped with that" and "I wrote the back end for everything you see here" again, like I did back in the Novell NOC days.
If that were the only project I was working on, I think it would be enough. However, I'm also working on a project to update all our Nagios instances to a new architecture and new Nagios version -- not a small feat while we are monitoring 25,000+ devices with the existing systems. While that is going on, I have two projects to automate Nagios configuration file generation, plus a project to get Zabbix up and running at 4 sites. There's plenty of work going on. Luckily, I'm not alone in this -- I have a great team of people around me.