Okay, well, I have had some other thoughts. I'm on Twitter (rhavens) and Google+. I go in spurts--Twitter a bit more often, then Google+ for a bit, then a blog entry, etc. But these media are really for different purposes.
Twitter is great for sharing pithy little thoughts or retweeting others' pithy little messages. Or sharing what you had for breakfast (which I just can't feel good about for some reason).
Google+ is great for sharing slightly longer thoughts, especially with associated web sites of photos. It's also good for connecting with people you know, or people sharing similar interesting material.
A blog, like this one, is really for sharing longer or deeper thoughts, at least in my mind. I think I have some good thoughts, but making the time to put them together meaningfully...ah, there's the rub. I wish I had half the creative energy and time of my college-aged daughter. Then again, I could certainly make time and generate energy.
Hmmm....that's somewhat motivating. I think I'll do just that.