Now that I'm back to work, I'm also finally finishing up my NOMS 2012 short paper. I have finally submitted it, and have posted the images from my thesis onto this site as well.
So, it's all out there (well, the NOMS paper isn't out there until the Spring, but it's close enough). When I graduated, I thought I was done with that phase of my life. Now, I think I actually am. My only regret is that I won't be presenting the paper at the IEEE NOMS conference in Maui myself. I can't afford to attend the conference without help and since I am no longer a student at BYU, they won't pay for me to go. So, mustering their courage, my co-authors, are taking it upon themselves to do that bit of work. Pretty good pay for a little bit of editing work and encouragement, but without them I doubt I would have finished it. Maybe they'll bring back a nice t-shirt for me. :-)